Customizing workspace is essential in applying work set up and transforming your home into an office. Though challenging, at some degree, home offices must be designed properly by having the right furniture that promotes an area conducive for home working activities. Commercial office furniture companies are now offering various products in an attempt to be the go-to-place for quality and budget friendly items that will suit the taste of the client.
Home based work poses many challenges that might hinder productivity due to the divided attention in trying to balance work and home tasks. However, most will agree that the success of remote work sometimes can be attributed to the home office set up to be used by the worker. At some point, the dilemma would always be about focus, but still, the majority of organization had shifted to this new work paradigm unknown to many, but practiced by some.
Home offices are the areas that are complemented with the right home office furniture that enables individuals to perform and be productive as expected by the organization while at home. During this pandemic, many organizations embraced the new work home office set up. Companies allowed their employees to bring home their equipment to perform tasks right at the comfort of their home. Some find it very productive, m ost especially that work life balance can be achieved the most without the daily hassle of commute, the struggles of going to work preparation and the stress of overtime worries. Employees dedicate space for office set up that provides home based workers to perform at their best, of course with the support of the management.
As stated in the research by Nicholas Bloom, a professor in Stanford, in his paper entitled ‘Does Working from Home Work? The findings are: that remote working led to a 13 percent increase in performance, with a 9 percent rise in minutes per shift and a 4 percent increase in calls per minute. Home workers also improved work satisfaction, lesser turn over, breaks and sick days were recorded. There is more to gain than to lose using this set up and the best worker will emerge above the rest, still work culture issues and management style will be the determining factor.
Work settings under home office set up are considered to be decisive investments for the company based on management evaluation. Expectations are high since commitments are lined up, and it's not a vacation type of scenario. Work set up offers limitations like, face to face interactions with other people or raising up concerns personally results into a huge amount of stress on the worker. The management often gauge outputs based on performance, level of responsibility and levels of trust. Finally, resources, interventions and strategies must be available to make people feel that they are still connected, valued and cared for by the management.
Buying office furniture for home offices had been a challenge both for organizations and its users. Compact sized office table pa and chair sets are being manufactured and customized by various office furniture companies. Home office furniture packages are being offered to draw attention for customers who are into this ‘ideal’ work set up like having small furniture set ups, or having the white home office or any form of collaborative office furniture for home use. Modular office furniture fit for clients, small desk and chair set, office furniture for small spaces, home office desk chair sets and many more.
Working from home now and in the future provides better collaboration between office and home work set up to ensure the mutual interest of both employers and employees are protected. Indeed, for newbies on this type of work set up, many inconveniences or challenges will be encountered within the first three months of operations which is normal. The management must be able to find ways on how to consistently be connected with their home based workforce just like in the office set up. Lines of communications must be clear, instructions must be direct and feedback must be encouraged to be able to have a healthy working environment that is working best to the advantage of the company. As for companies who had long been into this set up, many game changing points can be taken from their experiences and be incorporated to the current processes of companies under home based work status.
JECAMS Inc. is a recognized and reliable solutions provider for office, home-office, furniture and furnishing needs. Being in business for a decade, we offer various services from planning and consultation, 3D perspective, and estimates on projects up to production. Talk to us and we’ll be happy to assist you with your concern from furniture planning to implementation, you may contact or @ 8.281.5618, 8.376.9251 and 8.293.2286.